Goblin Slayer Watch Order

If you have some time to kill and want something dark but entertaining with a slightly unusual take on the adventure aspect, then Goblin Slayer anime might be for you.

Goblin Slayer was one of the most hyped up anime of the 2018 mainly because we get something dark and violent that doesn’t shy away from some brutal and messed up stuff. It had rape scenes already in the first episode!

So here are the watch order:

1. Goblin Slayer (2018)

Goblin Slayer (2018) anime white fox studio

Rating: 4 out of 5.
AiredFall 2018

A young priestess has formed her first adventuring party, but almost immediately they find themselves in distress. It’s the Goblin Slayer who comes to their rescue–a man who’s dedicated his life to the extermination of all goblins, by any means necessary. And when rumors of his feats begin to circulate, there’s no telling who might come calling next…

2. Goblin Slayer: Goblin’s Crown (2020)

Goblin Slayer: Goblin’s Crown (2020)

Rating: 4 out of 5.
Episodes1 Movie
AiredWinter 2020

“Please find any information on the Noble Fencer that disappeared after leaving to slay some goblins.”

Goblin Slayer and his party head up to the snowy mountains in the north after receiving that request from the Sword Maiden. A small village gets attacked, they encounter a mysterious chapel, and something about how these goblins are acting bothers the Goblin slayer.

“I’m going to take back everything that I’ve lost!”

In order to save the captured Noble Fencer, the Goblin Slayer and his party head to an ancient fortress covered in snow to face off with a powerful foe and a horde of goblins!

3. Goblin Slayer Season 2 (2023)

Goblin Slayer Season 2 (2023)

Rating: 4 out of 5.
AiredFall 2023

The second season of Goblin Slayer.

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Arif Abdurahman
Arif Abdurahman

Blogging since 2009, a cold-blooded otaku who love mecha and mahou shoujo. Sharing his opinions and shit posting on pop culture is his true passion, like explaining the watch order of Gundam, Fate series or Monogatari anime by heart.

Articles: 135

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